Editorial meeting: Content Ideas for your posts/ video/blogs. 30min for $50

Editorial meeting: Content Ideas for your posts/ video/blogs. 30min for $50

I created this 30-minute brainstorm when I noticed that many business owners are looking to share unique content ideas but end up with the same posts on social media. 

You know your business, you are a real pro, but how do you communicate it to potential clients? 

How do you attract your Ideal client? 

As a content editor, I will have and "editorial" meeting with you, that will leave you with specific topics for your blog/ video blog/ social media posts. If you know your business, I will find unique ideas for you. 

Your next step: 

*Schedule 30 minutes meeting. 

*Prior to the meeting, please send $50 via PayPal 

Looking forward to meet! 

Limor Friedman 

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