Phil Disant

Executive Director

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Global Chamber® is the only chamber of commerce focused on helping companies grow cross-border business across 525 metro regions in 195 countries around the world... everywhere, including in Southern Brazil.
TALL OAKS INC., founded in 1999 by Anthony T. Parker, President & CEO, is located in Winter Springs, FL (USA) and Joinville, SC (Brazil), with Local Agents based in Montreal, QC (Canada), and Lisbon (Portugal).

Our Team is comprised of experienced and highly skilled Professionals.

We support small, mid-sized and start-up companies from the European Union, North America and Brazil in their international expansion activities .
Global Chamber® members receive:
    - Strategic connections to customers and partners
    - Access to trusted people and information to grow
    - Access to cross border consulting and mentoring
    - Member discounts, special opportunities, interns
    - Access to VIP experiences, seminars, information
    - Access to Export Circles℠, Export Reach℠, LoE, etc
    - Free attendance at most of our events
    - Membership in the 'global tribe’
    - Global reach to 525 metro areas
- Technical Consulting and Support
- International Business Development
- Export Outsourcing
- E-Business Solutions
- Professional Services

Business Sectors:
Innovative and Eco-friendly products/technologies related to:
  - Thermal/Sound Dampening Insulation,
  - Waterproofing,
  - Architectural Structures,
  - Building Materials
  - Decoration
Organic Food Products
Organic Cosmetics
Services beyond Membership
    - Investment Attraction
    - Market Research
    - Additional Connections
    - Cross-border Consulting
    - Affiliate Membership
    - More Exposure
    - Export Circles
Export Outsourcing Services
Tall Oaks Brazil act as your Export Department in Brazil.
- Business Development
- Sales Administration & Reporting
- Logistics Solutions
- E-business Solutions
- Professional Services (Local Company Incorporation, Domiciliation Services, Legal/Tax, M&A, HR)
- Business Advisory

Strategic Sourcing & Procurement
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