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African small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are drivers of economic growth. Their role is to ensure local value addition and job creation. Helping investors (foreign or from the African diaspora) increase investment support for African SMEs in the digital financial services, light manufacturing, and agro-processing sectors will unlock opportunities for all stakeholders. It will also increase exports to regional and global markets. This has been the mission of EMIGROUP’s global team and will remain our focus for years to come.
The West is saturated. Africa is booming with high growth potential  and high impact investment opportunities. However, many African countries lack adequate risk  mapping and  indices. Nevertheless, the he potential is real and  cannot be ignored by savvy investors.  Unlocking this potential and achieving sustainable returns on investment is hinged on two things: understanding the local political and socio-economic context and conducting exhaustive due diligence is the EMIGROUP promise to all investors
Africa is not a country. it is a continent with 54 countries. Each country presents its unique profile which needs to be assessed pre-investment. At EMI GROUP, our motto is “BEFORE YOU INVEST INVESTIGATE” BYII. EMI GROUP will use its proprietary “BYII” methodology to map the country and sector risks with actionable insights for investors.
With the AfCFTA, global businesses must change the way they view doing business in Africa. Even if you are investing in Ghana, with EMIGROUP’S guidance, you will have instant access to a market of  350 million people (within the ECOWAS REGION) or 1.5 billion people across Africa, the choice is yours.

Moreover, according to a report from the World Bank: The African Continental Free Trade Area: Economic and Distributional Effects, implementing the AfCFTA would:

lift 30 million Africans out of extreme poverty and boost the incomes of nearly 68 million others who live on less than $5.50 a day;
boost Africa’s income by $450 billion by 2035 (a gain of 7%) while adding $76 billion to the income of the rest of the world;
increase Africa’s exports by $560 billion, mostly in manufacturing.
spur larger wage gains for women (10.5%) than for men (9.9%);
EMIGROUP is based in Accra Ghana in the same city where the Operational headquarters of the AFCTA is located, our firm is well positioned to provide global businesses with the needed support to  grow  within the AfCFTA continent wide market.

Also because of the rapid digitalization of the African Economy, e-commerce across Africa is the Best kept secret in Africa since the Pandemic. Our team of e-commerce experts will design the Cross Border e-commerce solutions that suit your needs.
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