Doug Bruhnke

founder/CEO at Global Chamber®

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Global Chamber® is a growing, global community of CEOs, executives and leaders in 525 metro regions around the world, everywhere... focused on helping companies grow with less risk within and across metropolitan areas. We're the ONLY organization in the world with hundreds of locations that helps executives grow sustainable business through warm connections and virtual services. We use artificial intelligence (AI) across our deep and wide network of talented exporters, investors, leaders and global resources to help them grow business.

Our vision is a world where doing cross metro and cross border business is as easy as selling across the street. We're all too busy to waste time and make mistakes. We're growing in 525 metros with warm access to over 100 million prospective clients, partners and resources. Global Chamber® members receive:

Warm intros to ideal customers

Connection to ideal employees, partners

Access to trusted advisors everywhere

More inflation and supply chain solutions

Development of young global leaders

Access to VIP experiences, virtual events

All or nearly all of >600 events per year are free

Celebration of women in global leadership

Access to Export Circles℠ and Export League℠

Member discounts and special access to services

introduction and engagement with hot opportunities

Membership in the "global tribe"

We care. And we use technology to support the success of our members. 

Save time and money... Be global and UNSTOPPABLE℠. 

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