Global Chamber Israel - metro meetup September 14th at 8:30 pm (GMT +3), PT 9:30 am, EST 1:30 pm

Please register for our weekly meetup and enjoy amazing collaboration, networking, and opportunities
After registration, we will send you the zoom invitation

 Full Name *
 Email *
 Name of Company or business *
 Title Description  *
 Business category *
 Status *
First time - Guest
Second time - Guest
Global Chamber member
Global Chamber member - and wish to be a speaker and present my company.
 Country *
 By completing this form I confirm that all the details you entered on this form are correct and that you allow GreenBook U.S.A. Inc. and/or Global Chamber Israel to use them to send me an email, text, or WhatsApp with the zoom link invitation to the weekly meetups. *
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 Please send me information regarding other events. By marking this I allow GreenBook U.S.A. Inc. and/or Global Chamber Israel to use them to send me an email, text, or WhatsApp with information about events. I am aware that at any time I can remove myself from the mailing list. 
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