Aparna Ranadive

Founder - CEO

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The Gateway to India, is a medium to showcase India as a land of opportunities, to the rest of the world.

Proudly sharing the India story, her culture, heritage and opportunities, facilitating business, enabling Investments and much more !!

We are a boutique Strategic Consulting firm that helps build a bridge to India.

We as a firm facilitate entry of foreign companies across different sectors and strategically partner with them in their plans to establish business ventures in India, thus contributing to economic development of the country .

Being very passionate about the country and all that she has to offer, we also extend to our international guests and investors, an opportunity to EXPERIENCE India, in the real sense of the word. We facilitate these experiences, such that they remain etched in the memory for a lifetime. The culture, the history, the heritage, the scinece, the tastes, the fabrics, the wildlife, the royalty and most importantly the warmth the country and her people offer to our guests ! 


Market research to understand the macro & micro business environment, your ideal customer, their buying behaviours, market dynamics, competition as well as how your product / service will be positioned and operate, is the best first step to take and which we can help with.

It is always prudent to play to one's strength is the philosophy we operate with, and hence strongly recommend a thorough market research to come up with the best market entry strategy.

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Once you have connected with us, we dive deep to understand your exact need, and through our experience of working on different deals and aspects of the business, advise you about the best route to take, help you identify the right partner organisation, that matches your business and values, thus facilitating the best investment..

In addition to the above, once you have decided on the route to take, about establishing a relationship with India, through us, we guide you about the set up process and procedures, and also hand hold you, for the entire duration of the deal and beyond, to ensure that you are well set and ready to get your operations off the ground !

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Executive Search :

A business, even if it is a start up is as successful as it's team and the leader.
We understand the importance of having a strong leadership team that once hired, can then take the business into the next leap.
We can help you hire your first leadership team, through our extensive understanding and deep network in the India market, and relevant experience of the domain, across sectors and with the proven success across a few decades.

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India is a vast country, and with multiple agencies to deal with for various aspects of getting business and life up and about.
While it is easy in reality, but chasing multiple people to achieve deliverables, can fee like a daunting experience.

The Soft Landing services which caters to the end to end gamut of setup and delivery, establishing, and ensuring that the Expat partner and her / his team/ family is well taken care of and settled  is a critical aspect involved in the setup. 

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Understanding local behaviour, customs, professionalism and the local tinge to it is very important to successfully conduct business and oneself in a foreign environment.

We show you exactly how that's done, so that you can feel a lot more comfortable and settled in sooner in the environment around, and be saved of any culture shocks.

While we train on "Doing business in India", we also Coach the CXOs to lead well in India. This is a hugely value adding service, and we have seen it benefiting many, globally.

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Getting started is always easy.. sustaining it is the challenge..

With our experience in the Start Up advisory domain, we can help  with setting up the organisation and the various facets, including structures, policies, processes etc for the smooth functioning of the business.

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